Apogee College Data Adapter

Poor integration between enterprise resource planning (ERP) and learning management systems (LMS) like Ellucian® Banner and Canvas by Instructure is a common source of frustration for faculty, staff, and students. Manual data entry and data inaccuracy slow faculty productivity. Students registering for coursework may find the process painful or uneven. With IT staffing and expertise in short supply, these problems persist to the point of acceptance.

Apogee College Data Adapter synchronizes data between your ERP system and LMS in real time. Important features like course cross-listing, grade sync, and event scheduling streamline registration and course materials access while enhancing enrollment capture during peak registration periods. College Data Adapter is customized, installed, and tested in as little as 30 days, with ongoing monitoring and remediation included.

Reliable, secure ERP and LMS data synchronization

Accurately aligning data between your ERP and LMS systems is a common and time-consuming problem. Manual entry is prone to error while in-house software solutions can be difficult to manage or pose unforeseen security risks. As a cloud-based managed IT service with monitoring and remediation included, Apogee College Data Adapter removes the uncertainty.

Apogee College Data Adapter delivers reliable, secure synchronization of Banner and Canvas data, freeing up valuable IT staff to focus on strategic priorities, without sacrificing system security and performance. Key features include:

Pain-free deployment and management

While accurate data synchronization between LMS and ERP systems can be an ongoing source of pain, worries over campus disruption can keep campus IT teams from moving off the status quo. Apogee College Data Adapter is installed, customized, tested, and in production in as little as 30 days, with ongoing monitoring and remediation baked in.

Apogee College Data Adapter helps you overcome gaps in talent and expertise to synchronize ERP and LMS data in real time. Beyond its low-touch, near maintenance-free footprint, campus IT teams will enjoy:

A quick win for campus IT

Transitioning higher education IT from cost center to campus innovator requires breaking away from low-value operational tasks and finding new ways to deliver value to your school. Apogee College Data Adapter helps you do both.

With real-time synchronization of ERP and LMS data to eliminate user frustration, speed productivity, and enhance enrollment capture during peak registration periods, Apogee can help you near-instantly transform your on-campus IT reputation and free up in-house talent and expertise to innovate. Key features include:

John Doherty headshot

By: John Doherty

John Doherty is Senior Product Marketing Manager at Apogee, leading the company’s product marketing strategy, positioning and messaging, product brand architecture, and product launch initiatives[...]

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