Backup and Disaster Recovery

Enhance your IT resilience

Let’s Talk

Protecting sensitive student and research data and complying with regulatory requirements like the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) are a priority for campus IT. Still, many institutions don’t have sufficient backup and disaster recovery plans in place, nor the staffing and expertise required to implement them. 

Rapidly recover from any event 

With more than two decades serving higher education and years of real-world backup and recovery experience, Apogee, a Boldyn Networks Company, helps you preserve critical data and maximize business continuity. Our National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-based plans ensure rapid incident recovery, minimizing disruption and financial impact. 

Every Apogee backup and disaster recovery (DR) plan is tailored to the unique needs of the institution. We routinely test and validate the plan, including simulated outages to evaluate and make refinements. Regular documentation and communication ensure institution stakeholder alignment. 

Where time, staffing, or expertise are obstacles to implementing a robust backup and DR plan, Apogee helps campus IT leaders quickly address worries over data loss, peak operational period disruption, and rising cyber insurance costs. All with a predictable OPEX funding model that eliminates surprises.  

Cloud services portfolio pie piece

Elevate your disaster recovery game

Risk assessment and planning 

Apogee helps identify potential threats and define tolerance-based recovery point (RPO) and recovery time objectives (RT0) to set backup frequency and disaster recovery process

Disaster recovery testing 

Using simulated outages, Apogee regularly tests your backup and disaster recovery plan to ensure effective and efficient recovery while minimizing disruption and downtime

Compliance and policy management

With NIST-based recovery plans, Apogee aligns your disaster recovery plan to relevant regulatory requirements like GLBA, protecting your school from legal or reputational harm

Explore Cloud Services

Apogee Cloud Services help campus IT teams create new avenues for modernization, efficiency, cost-savings, and innovation. 

Cloud Migration

Apogee makes moving to the cloud easy, migrating your higher education applications like enterprise resource planning (ERP), identity management, finance, and scheduling.


Managed Applications

Apogee ensures the application scalability you need to deliver a consistent user experience from low to peak usage periods, while also ensuring security standards and compliance policies are met.


Application Modernization

Apogee helps you improve the student, faculty, and staff user experience, transforming legacy applications to take advantage of modern cloud architectures.


It professionals siting at desks

IT Service Desk with Apogee

Remote 24/7 support, management, tracking, and monthly reporting of all IT tickets

Move from In-House IT to a Managed Technology Services Model

With operational scale and technical expertise perfected with over 350 institutions, Apogee can deliver managed technology services anywhere your campus needs demand in a predictable OPEX-based funding model. Read our e-book to learn how we can help you move to a managed technology services model.

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