Watch on-demand to hear from Robert Blue, CFO of Centenary College, Jamel Wright, President, and Ann Fulop, Provost, of Eureka College, and David Weil, CIO of Ithaca College. These distinguished campus leaders will discuss how they partnered with Apogee to offload their network operations so IT could tackle strategic projects essential to institutional resilience and financial health.


Higher education enrollment numbers declined in Fall 2021 at the alarming rate of 3.1 percent, creating budget shortfalls that challenge higher ed leaders to innovate and attract and retain new learners. This is a turning point. Together we can unlock IT’s time to drive innovations that create a student-centered environment and deliver high return on educational investment (ROEI).

But what steps can we take to accomplish this when budget challenges abound?

Watch on-demand to hear from Robert Blue, CFO of Centenary College, Jamel Wright, President, and Ann Fulop, Provost, of Eureka College, and David Weil, CIO of Ithaca College. These distinguished campus leaders will discuss how they partnered with Apogee to offload their network operations so IT could tackle strategic projects essential to institutional resilience and financial health.

You’ll learn how they:

•  Moved in-house IT operations to a managed services model
•  Achieved IT operations financial stability and predictability
•  Aligned technology investments to campus initiatives

Scott Drossos headshot

By: Scott Drossos

Scott Drossos is Chief Executive Officer at Apogee and is a seasoned C-level executive with extensive experience in higher education, implementing impactful digital technology strategies, and transforming technology services businesses in Fortune 500 companies[...]

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