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Campus Engagement

Creating Metrics to Prove Student Engagement

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The Campus Engagement account manager at the University of New Hampshire believed in Apogee’s vision of collecting broccoli and cake content to drive student engagement and success. When evaluating the success of the platform and communicating to other decision-makers in the campus community, he needed concrete metrics to prove the value of the campaigns.


Produce meaningful data to prove student engagement at the University of New Hampshire.


Apogee implemented a monthly analytics process in which administrators at the University of New Hampshire would receive statistics about the amount of content, amount of submitters, and content trends. Specifically, the analytics informed the university about: the amount of submissions received by UNH’s Durham Campus versus UNH’s Manchester Campus per month; the amount of event and social posts received per month; the types of content submitted based up upon a tagging system developed in conjunction with the university; submission trends per week; and the amount of new users versus repeat users. Annual statistics were also provided. The analytics were emailed out on a monthly basis. Emails also included detailed updates on any social campaigns run on the University of New Hampshire campus in the past month.


The university was able to prove the value of campus engagement campaigns based on concrete statistics and relay the information to other campus decision-makers. The monthly analytics emails also spurred productive conversations and allowed the Apogee team to update the university on any new happenings within Apogee’s operations structure. In addition, monthly analytics emails generated excitement about the amount of social campaigns being held on campus and encouraged further conversations about ways to engage students. In addition to noticing that the campus community was submitting large quantities of content, the university noticed a steep upward trend in submissions. The year-to-date metrics measured in October 2016 noted a 41% increase in submissions when compared to October 2015 year-to-date metrics.

“Arguing to senior leaders that a new service has been worth the investment isn’t a good strategy without data to make the argument. For many senior administrators, digital signage is an unknown communication medium, with results that are hard to measure. So having the data to show a 41% increase in submissions showed that the campus content contributors themselves saw enough value in Apogee to spend more time in Year 2 utilizing the platform than Year 1.”

– Marshall White, Senior Manager, Information Technology, University of New Hampshire

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